Category Archives: Chapter 63


I rarely eat fried chicken, but when I do it better be worth the calories. That can be said of any decadent splurge foods. After experiencing THE BEST fried chicken in Alabama two years ago, Dave and I will forever judge food by that standard: “Yeah, but is it Hattie B’s good?” Seriously, Hattie B’s has ruined any and all other fried chicken we’ll ever eat in our lifetimes. We tried the #8 ranked fried chicken in the country after running the San Francisco Marathon this summer – which was reeeeeally good – but not Hattie B’s good.

Last night, we had another “ruined all others” moment. This time it was chicken pot pie. Yep, thank you Indianapolis based Pots & Pans Pie Co. for ruining another splurge food for us. And while we’re talking about Indy, Dave can no longer enjoy California steaks after his first Midwest Tomahawk rib eye at Eddie Merlot’s years ago. So last night after devouring my scratch-made pot pie with fresh chicken and veggies, perfect gravy to meat ratio, and melt in your mouth crust, I sat back in my chair and said to Dave, “I just got the theme for my next blogpost!”

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good…!” Psalm 34:8 NKJV

I needed that morsel of Scripture goodness. I’ve been in a major strugfest battle-of-the mind this week about whether to run a certain race this Saturday. The decision should really be a 100% no-brainer since I likely have knee bursitis. It’s flared up a few times after April’s treacherous trail 50K but was fine during San Francisco Marathon in July and several other races after. This week it’s been the most swollen and painful it’s ever been after getting off the plane in Indy Monday afternoon. I’ve been icing, elevating, and resting my right knee all week. *Thank you Southwest Airlines for the massive bag of ice which meant some passengers didn’t get ice for their drinks. Oops, sorry.

Is running this Saturday really still a debate?

Yes, but only because if I miss this race I am out of contention for the Ultra Half Series Championship and maintaining my eight year streak. I have never cut it this close with number of qualifying races, but due to some scheduling conflicts this season, my last two qualifiers are the next two Saturdays before the big championship race at the end of the month.

Friends. Family. Normal people. Level-headed thinkers. Five year olds. Someone not being held hostage or questioned under duress. These are all people who’d say “Don’t do it.”

While my effort would certainly be valiant, I could potentially cause irreparable knee damage. But I could also experience God’s miraculous healing and strength to finish unscathed – victorious with massive coaster medal in hand. You see, once you’ve experienced a championship race like this one, it’s awfully hard to give it up. Undeniably the most challenging course – it’s called an ULTRA for a reason. But the views, the ascents, the descents, the camaraderie with fellow series runners, the satisfaction as you tear down that last hill knowing the finish line is around the corner makes all the pain go away.

Doesn’t sound all that crazy, right? As I typed that last sentence, I’m once again talking myself back into it.

Would it be THAT bad? If it’s not bad, it must be good.

Ahhh, more Scripture just came to mind:

‘As they continued their travel, Jesus entered a village. A woman by the name of Martha welcomed him and made him feel quite at home. She had a sister, Mary, who sat before the Master, hanging on every word he said. But Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen. Later, she stepped in, interrupting them. “Master, don’t you care that my sister has abandoned the kitchen to me? Tell her to lend me a hand.”

The Master said, “Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it’s the main course, and won’t be taken from her.”’ Luke 10:38-42 MSG

Jesus was the ultimate foodie. I mean c’mon, feeding the five thousand with five loaves and two fish, turning water to wine – and you better believe it wasn’t the cheap stuff.

In this famous scene with Martha and Mary, the takeaway is choosing GOOD vs BEST. Sure, you can criticize Mary for not pulling her weight around the kitchen or Martha for being OCD; but in this scenario, Mary came out on top for choosing what was BEST. As with any decision, a choice for one thing means letting go of the other. Mary let go of her immediate circumstances, urgent tasks at hand, actions with visible results, and need to please others. None of which were bad. In fact, they were all good. The problem is you might be missing out on potentially what’s BEST in the long run by tending to what’s good in the short run. Pretty sure no one’s talking about how clean Martha’s house was or the amazing dinner she whipped up. That “main course” Jesus spoke of was foodie speak for THE BEST. Mary chose to sit with Jesus and take in everything He came to her house to say INSTEAD of running around checking off a to-do list like Martha.

Am I willing to drop everything and sit at Jesus’ feet? Do I believe He wants to speak to me, but maybe I’m missing it being focused on other things?

Mary got to have Jesus to herself for an afternoon. How could anything top THAT experience? But she would have missed it had she stuck with her original schedule.

I know if I somehow managed to hobble my way up to the starting line this Saturday, I would be 100% obsessed with all the ways I could tweak my knee the entire time. I’d be constantly looking down, scanning, worried about making cut-off times, not enjoying the scenery or friends along the way. Having run this course several other years, it’s tough even on two fully healthy knees. As much as I don’t want to give up this Saturday’s race or the ultra championship, I don’t want to give up potentially many more years of running God’s race even more. Sure, I’ve run over 200 races – 52 of them marathons. Many were filled with checklists, pace strips, goals, and agendas – not a bad thing. I’ve also tasted what it’s like to run near 100% with Jesus. Nothing is as satisfying or rewarding. Nothing even comes close.

“Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see— how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him.” Psalm 34:8 MSG